I am Lorraine Dorman (MeMaw), 85 years old, and think of myself as a late 'bloomer'.

For years, there were three things that I always wanted to do: teach, paint, and write.

At age 46 I became a full time college student and earned my AA degree in Early Childhood Education and went on to teach for 15 years.

As for painting, I just dabbled along until my husband encouraged me to become serious about my painting.

I've done many paintings for my family, but now I have decided to make copies of my original paintings and sell them.

I also write cook books for my grandchildren, poetry, and essays. My 85 years in West Virginia and Florida have given me many things to write about.

"Thank you, Jesus."

Friday, November 12, 2010


             Four petunias picked from a flower garden and put in an inexpensive vase and set on a linen tea towel. How simple- How pretty- No flower arrangements needed!
If you would like to buy, please contact me at: lorraines.creations@yahoo.com or 904-764-976

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lorraine,

    Your work is lovely! I found you through your daughter who contacted me on Facebook. I understand you live next door to where my Aunt Martha and Uncle Roy lived. I used to visit there fairly often through the years and remember the house well! I was closest in age to Camille and two years younger than Jimmy.

    I paint as well. Please visit my site at www.sunshine-gallery.com .

    Best wishes!

    Susan Kornegay Dehlinger
